The AFM Culture

It’s important to understand the culture of any ministry with which you desire to serve. Our goal in creating this particular series is that you would understand who AFM is and the culture that we promote when you serve with us on mission.

Family (Unity)

Because AFM is a non-denominational ministry, there will be individuals who come from various church backgrounds and experiences.  Our expectation is that as long as we agree on the core doctrines of Scripture (Saved by Grace alone through Faith alone in Christ alone), we can serve in unity on mission together.  It’s so important that our teams seek unity above everything, but it’s also important that they understand that the unity that we promote is relational unity.  It’s ok if we believe differently in non-essential doctrines of the Christian faith, but we must be committed to sacrificially loving one another, which includes avoiding gossip and slander and placing the needs of others above our own. Francis Chan’s video on peace above does a great job of highlighting this core value of Africa Freedom Mission.

Action Items:

  1. Why does Jesus pray for unity and oneness amongst the Church before He goes to the Cross?

  2. How is trying to logically explain the Gospel through theology and well-spoken people not always the best method in sharing the gospel? What’s the a better way to present the truth of the gospel?

  3. Write down a few reasons mentioned that relate to why God hates division.

  4. Why is it important for us to not categorize Christians based off their denomination?

rest (in the holy spirit)

While we realize that our team members come from many different backgrounds, we do not hide the fact that, as a ministry, we believe that the Holy Spirit wants to be involved in everything that we do.  This core value will be evident if you serve with our ministry.  We want to allow the Holy Spirit to be a voice in our daily agendas as we serve alongside our ministry partners in Africa. John Bevere does a good job of introducing the person of the Holy Spirit and how we can have true intimate fellowship with Him in life and in ministry.

Action Items:

  1. Why is it important to get to know the person of the Holy Spirit before we try to study the work of the Holy Spirit?

  2. What are some reasons that Jesus said it is more important for him to leave and for the Holy Spirit to come?

  3. Can you know Jesus without the Person of the Holy Spirit? (Similarly, the pharisees tried to know God without Jesus)

  4. How will your interaction with the Holy Spirit change after hearing this message?


Our desire is to see people come to a place of intimacy with the Lord, and experience true freedom in their walk with Him. We understand that some of the individuals who are coming on our trips, come with some form of brokenness (broken homes, abuse, neglect, addictions, moral failures, etc).  Our belief is that as you experience true freedom, you will be better equipped to walk in power and to bring freedom to those we are going to serve! In this sermon by Louie Giglio you will learn how to cultivate a life of freedom.

Action Items:

  1. Take time to sit quietly and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the thoughts that you have been feeding that are not from the Father and write them down. 

  2. What are the truths from the word of God that override these untrue thoughts? (leaders are here to walk through this with you!)

  3. How are you going to begin to take captive the carnal thoughts that captivate your mind and make them obedient to Christ? 2 Cor. 10:5


There are plenty of ministries that will afford people the opportunity to experience God on Mission in Africa, but not as many who will take steps necessary to teach you, while you are there, what true missions entails and how to live a life that is sold out to experiencing God’s presence on a daily basis.  At the end of a trip with AFM, our desire is that you would feel the gravity of the call to the Great Commission, ask how you might be more involved and receive some equipping for that calling. Our end goal is making disciples who will be completely sold out to living out the gospel in whatever calling Jesus has placed on their lives!

Action Items

  1. What would your life look like if you followed the mantra: “It’s better to lose your life than to waste it?”

  2. What’s keeping you from surrendering everything to Him and living a life that is completely sold out to the gospel in everything?


“Missions exists because worship does not (~ John Piper).” Africa Freedom Mission desires that nations would worship our creator in Spirit and in Truth and we hope to foster this same culture amongst our teams. We desire to create enough margin in our trip experiences for the Lord to minister just as much to the team members as He does through them. When you serve in Africa with our ministry, there will be extended times of worship and prayer throughout your trip experience. These extended times of worship and prayer allow us to understand who Jesus is and what his voice sounds like and it allows Him the freedom to break chains that are holding His children back from serving Him fully.

Action Items:

  1. What highlights the Grace of God?

  2. What unleashes extravagant worship?

  3. Is worship a response of love or an act of law?  If the law can bring about such a worship moment like that of Mt. Carmel, what can grace do?

  4. What is the “tipping” point in life?