You can make a difference. Africa Freedom Mission partners with local ministries to make much of Jesus in Africa. Please consider giving towards AFM’s general fund:
General Fund
Your tax-deductible donation today helps fund Africa Freedom Mission’s work both here in the States as well as in Africa. Please consider giving a gift today! All donations are 100% tax-deductible and 1000% appreciated!
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Short-Term and Career Missionaries serving with AFM have been deputized to raise support on the organization's behalf. AFM maintains complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds; however, every effort will be made by AFM to honor the preference of each donor. Per IRS guidelines, refunds can NOT be issued for donations made to Africa Freedom Mission.
Admin Fees:
Verifying that finances are used according to their intended purposes takes a good bit of work (tracking expenses, accounting, etc.). In addition to this, AFM must pay finance charges on all donations made online. Because of this, we charge a flat admin fee of 10% on all donations to the general fund as well as donations made towards ministry projects.
Africa Freedom Mission is setup as a “Doing Business As” (DBA) under Freedom House International, Inc (85-3808497). and therefore is approved for accepting charitable donations under its 501(c)3 status.