Helping Without Hurting
Many times our team members are overwhelmed during their first trip to Africa. While we believe that compassion is a biblical mandate, there are ways that we can sometimes try to help that end up hurting those that we come to serve. Please take some time to watch the video series below by LifeChurch.TV on how to help without hurting. These are a great resource in truly understanding poverty and how to partner with our friends in Africa and around the globe.
Reconsidering the Meaning of Poverty
Action Items:
How do the rich and more affluent define poverty?
How do the poor and less affluent define poverty?
What fundamental truth do we have to understand in order to help the poor without hurting them?
Seeing God at work
Action Items:
Write down 2-3 convictions you feel like the Spirit brought upon you? If you didn’t have any, why?
Have you ever felt inferior or superior in a situation. Why do you suppose you felt this way?
What are ways that you and your team can be better stewards of the Gospel when serving on mission in a cross-cultural setting?
Understanding Why Good Intentions are not enough
Action Items:
Which situation will you find most people experiencing when serving with AFM (Relief, Rehabilitation or Development)? Why is it important to understand the situation?
What is Paternalism? And why is this detrimental to those we wish to serve?
Which is a more successful missions trip? One where a team does something for the people they came to serve or one that develops an empowering process by joining hands with the people they came to serve? Explain.
Joining God’s Work
Action Items:
What is true empowerment and change in a cross-cultural setting?
Why is “Asking the Question” so important in missions?
How do you think identity plays a role in empowering the people we meet overseas?
fostering change
Action Items:
How can people experience lasting change?
Which question is better to ask and why? (1) What do you have or (2) what can I do for you?
Which type of poverty alleviation approach is necessary to bring lasting change and why? Materialistic or Relational?
Why is important to focus on those who want change as to those who do not?
Moving Forward
Action Items:
Why are partnerships so important?
Who is best suited to reach people with the gospel and bring lasting change in a given country?
What are the principles of healthy partnerships?
What is the first step that we need to take in being able to effectively minister to the poor?