Listening to God’s Voice

Below are links to a podcast series by Jamie Winship recorded at Antioch Bible Church’s AYM Summer Camp Series. These messages are a great resource for understanding your identity in Christ and how to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Please listen to each of the lessons below, take notes and then discuss with your AFM team and team leaders:

Who does God say that I am?

Action Items:

  1. Why is it so important to understand your true identity in the Kingdom of God?  And what does the world try to do to your identity?

  2. What is the number one condition to understanding your identity?  

  3. What are the names that the world calls you that you keep believing?

  4. What is your true identity?  “Who” were you created to be?

What do you want me to know and what do you want me to do?

Action Items:

  1. What is the definition of hearing the voice of God?

  2. Instead of asking God “why?”, what are two questions we should ask Him?

  3. Why is understanding your identity critical?

  4. How do you fight and/or deal with the enemy?

  5. Take a few minutes to hand over to Jesus all the names and labels that You think the world/yourself calls you, and then ask Jesus “Who do you say I am” and write down what he says by trying to practice hearing from Him.

Understanding your true identity in the kingdom of God

Action Items:

  1. How do we receive our identity in the Kingdom of God?

  2. What are examples of a fruitful/Christlike community?

  3. How does this change your view on how the Lord interacts with us daily?

  4. How have you seen the Lord play a role in giving you your identity?

how do you win and how do you lose