freedom mission

Does God Still Heal?


I’ve been studying through the book of Acts lately. It’s hard not to read that book of the Bible and see a church and body of believers who ministered in word and power. You see stories of God using guys like Peter, John, Paul, Stephen, Phillip, etc to bring physical healing. All were definitely leaders, but not all were apostles. If you then step back into the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), you see Jesus healing many and him sending out others to do the same.

I’m not here writing this blog to get into an online argument with those who believe these gifts have ceased. I’m not trying to teach and spread some form of theology of healing either, but I do want to testify to something that I believe is at the heart God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. I want to tell a personal story that is very real and very true, where the Lord showed up and touched someone in a very intimate way, healed them and saved them.

In the summer of 2018, I went with a small team on a mission trip to Zimbabwe. Our team stayed on a houseboat for almost 2 weeks and visited remote fishing villages along the shorelines of the Zambezi river on Lake Kariba. During the day, we would spend time in worship, prayer, teaching and just having fun together. But in the evening, we would visit different villages to teach, share the gospel, love on people and pray for the sick and oppressed. On this particular evening, we were visiting a village that our ministry partner had been to many times before.

In order to get into the village, we had to use a smaller fishing boat. The villagers knew we were coming and would line up at the shore to greet us. It was a very humbling experience seeing these dear people who have nothing, stop everything just to make us feel welcome. As we walked in, it seemed like the crowds continued to grow. We were headed to the center of the village. As we were setting up and finding places for our team to sit, I had something out of the normal occur. I started to feel pain in my right ear. It was weird though, because I immediately sensed that the pain was not my own. Our host, asked me to share for about 10 minutes. So, as I prepared and was rehearsing in my mind what I was going to say, I just couldn’t get it out of my mind that the Lord was trying to tell me something.


As I stood up to speak, I felt the gentle nudge of the Holy Spirit asking me to hold off on sharing with them until I addressed this word He had given me for someone. I stood there for a minute questioning Him and questioning myself. Was this pain a revelation of someone else’s pain or was it just a silly old ear ache? I’ve learned that God will sometimes give you words or impressions for others, but will not always show you their full meaning. He wants you first to step out in faith and respond before showing you the full context of the word. This pain was a word from the Lord for someone in that village. I didn’t know who, or the extent of his or her situation, but I did understand that there was someone present who needed to be touched by God.

Before I did anything else, I quieted the crowd and told them that I believed there was someone there with a problem with their ear. When I said this and began scanning the crowd, I noticed two drunk men sitting beside one another on a stump talking. They then looked across the crowd and pointed to one of the other men in the village. I believe he was a bit embarrassed at first because he just sat there for a minute before confirming he had a problem with his ear.

As he came forward, he mumbled something in Tonga to my interpreter. He told him that his ear had been hurting and draining for several weeks. He then proceeded to remove a small cotton swab from his ear and show us. Without much hesitation, I asked him if we could pray for him right there in front of his village, to which he agreed. My interpreter, Teech and I just said a short prayer. Nothing elaborate. We just asked Jesus to touch him by His Holy Spirit and bring complete healing to his ear.

After praying, we opened our eyes and looked at him. He was smiling. He said the pain had gone away while we were praying. He was excited. But then he did something peculiar. He took the cotton swab and stuffed it back into his ear. I then asked the interpreter to ask him something for me. I asked this man to take the cotton swab back out and leave it out while I spoke. If God had healed the pain, I believed that he would stop the draining as well. So, he took it back out and went back to where he had been previously sitting.

For the next 10 minutes, I shared about God’s love for us and how He sent Jesus to die in our place as a payment for our sin. I talked about how if we respond in faith and trust Christ with our lives that He would forgive us completely, give us new life that can never be taken and restore us to relationship with him. As I finished, I closed our time by praying for the crowd. After praying, I didn’t have to track the young gentleman down, because he immediately went and grabbed Teech and then cam back to speak with me. He told me that while I was speaking, the draining in his ear had completely stopped as well. Now, the pain and the draining were gone!

The Lord had this man on His heart that day. It was a divine appointment. I could see it, Teech could see it and now, the man was beginning to see it. After he told me that he had been healed, I immediately asked him if he knew Jesus. He responded that he did not. I explained to him that Jesus loved him so much that he gave someone else a word just for him that day that brought His physical healing. I then asked him if he wanted to know Jesus and receive spiritual healing as well. He didn’t hesitate. He said “Yes, I do!”

I don’t know why God chooses to heal some immediately and for others it’s a not yet and still for others it’s not this side of seeing Jesus face-to-face. I don’t know why He chooses to heal some people who we might would think are unworthy, but chooses not to heal some of those we esteem as saints. I don’t know. But that’s ok. Like I said at the beginning, my purpose isn’t to argue some theological point on healing. It’s just to share one specific story of how the Lord used an unworthy person like me to bring healing to someone he dearly loved in the middle of a village in the remote bush of Zimbabwe. It’s also to testify to the fact that God still LOVES to miraculously heal! He still uses healing to reveal himself and he uses ordinary believers like you and me to pray for the sick that they might be healed and turn to the one who Loves them completely!


In this season of my life, God is teaching me what it means to completely surrender everything to Him. And it’s a process that’s been VERY, VERY difficult!!!

In Matthew 14:29, Jesus calls out to Peter sitting in the boat and asks him to simply come, to walk on the waters towards Jesus. Listen to it in context. “Then Peter got down from the boat, walked on the water and came towards Jesus. but when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, ‘Lord save me!’ immediately Jesus reached out His hand and caught him. ‘you of little faith, why did you doubt?’”

At first glance this may seem insane. Who in their right mind would tell another human being to leave what seemed to be the safest place in the storm to step out into the water. To WALK ON WATER!?! BUT that’s exactly what Jesus did and it was genuinely one of the most beautiful and meaningful miracles Jesus ever displayed.

Throughout our lives we are faced with many storms. Wether that be problems within our family, issues with our health, loss of family or friends, struggle with mental health, etc., our storms can be big or small. But we have a picture of how we can weather these storms through the example of Peter. With his eyes fixed on Jesus, in the midst of a terrible storm, he surrendered everything and trusted fully in Christ. He didn’t take time to reason with his circumstances, but simply listened and followed.

Peter’s initial focus is what the Lord is calling all of us to.  Jesus desires that we would single-mindedly and wholeheartedly focused on Him. This doesn’t come with doing more good for Jesus, but by laying down more for Him. It doesn’t come with service, but with surrender!

When we are able to live in surrender to the Lord, laying everything at his feet (our desires, our aspirations, our shortcomings, etc.) and when we trust in His plans, His faithfulness and His promises to work everything out for our good, our focus shifts from our problems to Jesus! The problems fade away and the glory of His presence calms the storm.

Yes, we will fail at times. And there might be times when we stray away from Christ, and begin to drown within the gritty chaos of life. But we have a promise that is evident in this Scripture: all we have to do is call upon His name and just as He responded to Peter, he will respond to you and me. With an outstretched arm and with no hesitation, He will take our hand and saves us. Not because we deserve it, but He does so freely because His love is enduring and never ending. He is a God of abundant grace and mercy!

We MUST stop letting ourselves be consumed in our struggles because, they are just momentary afflictions. They are wind and waves. Though they look threatening, they are just opportunities for us to learn to trust Him more. No doubt, they seem difficult and overwhelming at times, but minute in comparison to the loving outstretched arm of the Creator of the Universe.

So, surrender everything to Him. Lay everything at His feet. Yield completely to your creator and allow Him to use you in any and every way. And after you’ve laid it all at His feet, look up. Take His hand and follow Him. Your life will never be the same!

Recently, surrender for me was applying to serve in Zambia with Africa Freedom Mission. I could have looked at the obstacles that stood in my way, been discouraged and went back to the boat. But I’ve chosen to sacrifice my plans and my way and run after Jesus. I don’t know what Zambia has to offer, but I do know that iff I’m in His arms, I’m safer than being in some rickety boat. It’s INSANE how God works in our lives when we choose to surrender to Him completely.

I guess you could say that surrender brings so much goodness!!! It provides opportunities like this! I’m going to Africa people!!! And I get to go with a company like this, Africa Freedom Mission! HE.IS.GOOD.


Morgan Hendrix is 16 years old and is from Loganville, Georgia. This trip with AFM will be the first time she’s ever traveled outside of the US. If you would be interested in partnering with Morgan financially, you can do so at the following link: MORGAN

His Presence is Our Home


There’s revival in the secret place. There’s a daily invitation that comes with a house key awaiting our response each morning. The presence of the Lord is home, we can turn the key knowing we are unlocking a love that takes us as we are and doesn’t leave us the same. The rotation of the key marks an exchange- beauty for ashes, joy for mourning, praise for heaviness, peace for anxiety. The exchange takes the frailty of our humanity and overflows the strength of His Holy Spirit into every fiber of our being. As His children, we are called into the secret place, where The Father’s arms are open awaiting our embrace- there’s a fire in his eyes that glances upon us with the utmost love and compassion. Every turn of the house key symbolizes the sweet surrender and submission to whatever the Lord may seek to reveal in the stillness of that moment. 

The more we abide in the Father’s heart, the more our hearts cry out for more of all that He is, the more our hearts break for what breaks his. The more we entangle ourselves with the Father, the more we mimic his ways and embody His character- my prayer is that this will always be known as our utmost honor and the greatest pursuit our lives will ever know. The Father uses intimacy to equip us- intimacy propels us into action. As sons and daughters, we must relentlessly seek to embody Christ so much so that the enemy trembles at our every waking day, the very steps we take the second we rise up should cause the enemy to tremble. As we dwell in His presence, hallelujahs become like arrows pointing in preparation for what’s to come. This starts by the simple acceptance to the invitation, our hands turning the key for the Father’s heart. 


“My heart will not be afraid even if an army rises to attack.

I know that you are there for me, so I will not be shaken. Here’s the one thing I crave from God,the one thing I seek above all else:

I want the privilege of living with him every moment in his house, finding the sweet loveliness of his face, filled with awe, delighting in his glory and grace. I want to live my life so close to him that he takes pleasure in my every prayer. In his shelter in the day of trouble, that’s where you’ll find me, for he hides me there in his holiness. He has smuggled me into his secret place,where I’m kept safe and secure—out of reach from all my enemies. Triumphant now, I’ll bring him my offerings of praise, singing and shouting with ecstatic joy! Yes, listen and you can hear the fanfare of my shouts of praise to the Lord! God, hear my cry. Show me your grace. Show me mercy, and send the help I need! Lord, when you said to me, “Seek my face,”my inner being responded,“I’m seeking your face with all my heart.”” Psalm 27: 3-8 TPT.

~Kristen Kinley


Kristen Kinley is a junior at App State studying early childhood development family and children studies with a minor in nonprofit management. She is involved in New Life Ministry at Harvest House and is also participating in AFM’s summer leadership program in Zimbabwe. If you would like to help her in her fundraising, you can do so at this link: KRISTEN KINLEY.

Divine Appointments

“But an angel of the Lord spoke to Phillip saying, ‘Get up and go south to the road that descends from Jerusalem to Gaza’…So, he got up and went; and there was an Ethiopian eunuch…Then the Spirit said to Phillip, ‘go up and join his chariot.’” ~ Acts 8:26-29

Phillip had a divine appointment. Think about this account in its geographic and cultural context. Phillip is with Peter and John returning to Jerusalem from Sebaste (Samaria). Based on the text, it looked as if he was resting (“get up and go”) and an angel of the Lord spoke to him. His immediate response was obedience. How many times do we hear the voice of the Holy Spirit telling us to do something and we just sit there and debate “was that the Lord’s voice or just my own thoughts.” Or better yet, we debate with the Lord, “Next time Lord, I’m just too tired right now. Can I just rest a little longer?”

But Phillip’s response was immediate obedience. Now granted, the first voice he hears is from an angel of the Lord. So, I’m sure that got his attention. But there have been those times when I know that the Lord has asked something of me and I debate and try to justify non-action.

Think about what the Lord was asking him. “Phillip, get up now. I want you to walk 100 km out into the middle of the Judean desert. I’m not telling you why. Just get up and go!” If I’m honest, I think my response might have been a bit more delayed, but Phillip’s wasn’t. He gets up and he leaves for the desert.

When he gets there, he finds this Ethiopian eunuch sitting in his chariot. And not only does he find him sitting in his chariot on this desert road, he finds him at the precise time that he is reading from the prophet Isaiah about Jesus. Talk about the Lord teeing up an opportunity to share Christ! And that’s what he does, he shares Christ and the Ethiopian eunuch responds in faith.

As I meditated on these verses this morning, I came away with a few things I believe the Lord was revealing to me about himself, myself and his heart for the Nations.

Trust Me Always and Completely

When the Lord asks you to do something, there’s a purpose. It’s either for your good or the good of someone else.

I Am Love

In this account in scripture, we have the Lord asking one of his children to get up from resting and walk 100 km or more to save this guy who the Jews would have considered unclean and an outcast not worthy of entering the Lord’s presence.

My Plans are Precise

The Lord knew the exact time that Phillip needed to leave the villages in Samaria in order to cross paths with an Ethiopian eunuch who was reading a specific portion of Old Testament scripture that was preaching about Christ. He ordered everyone’s steps precisely so that Christ could be preached to this Eunuch and another one of His children could be added to the fold.

When I Ask, Obey Immediately

If Phillip had delayed, he would have missed the opportunity to share Christ through the scripture that the Eunuch was reading out of Isaiah. He might have missed the opportunity all together.

Join me in the Harvest

The Lord is always active calling sons and daughters to Himself. He uses His people by the leading of His Spirit to do this. If we don’t listen and obey, we miss out on the opportunity to partner with him in the Harvest.

Position Yourself First and Foremost to Listen

I believe the Lord has gifted me as a strategic thinker and planner. The thing that has always been my greatest strength has also been potentially my greatest weakness. If I don’t slow down to listen, I can plan the Lord right out of what I think He is doing. What if I lived more like Phillip? What if I positioned myself to listen and respond? How would my life and ministry look differently, if I woke up each morning, settled my heart and simply asked “Ok, Lord, what would you have me do today?”