Divine Appointments

“But an angel of the Lord spoke to Phillip saying, ‘Get up and go south to the road that descends from Jerusalem to Gaza’…So, he got up and went; and there was an Ethiopian eunuch…Then the Spirit said to Phillip, ‘go up and join his chariot.’” ~ Acts 8:26-29

Phillip had a divine appointment. Think about this account in its geographic and cultural context. Phillip is with Peter and John returning to Jerusalem from Sebaste (Samaria). Based on the text, it looked as if he was resting (“get up and go”) and an angel of the Lord spoke to him. His immediate response was obedience. How many times do we hear the voice of the Holy Spirit telling us to do something and we just sit there and debate “was that the Lord’s voice or just my own thoughts.” Or better yet, we debate with the Lord, “Next time Lord, I’m just too tired right now. Can I just rest a little longer?”

But Phillip’s response was immediate obedience. Now granted, the first voice he hears is from an angel of the Lord. So, I’m sure that got his attention. But there have been those times when I know that the Lord has asked something of me and I debate and try to justify non-action.

Think about what the Lord was asking him. “Phillip, get up now. I want you to walk 100 km out into the middle of the Judean desert. I’m not telling you why. Just get up and go!” If I’m honest, I think my response might have been a bit more delayed, but Phillip’s wasn’t. He gets up and he leaves for the desert.

When he gets there, he finds this Ethiopian eunuch sitting in his chariot. And not only does he find him sitting in his chariot on this desert road, he finds him at the precise time that he is reading from the prophet Isaiah about Jesus. Talk about the Lord teeing up an opportunity to share Christ! And that’s what he does, he shares Christ and the Ethiopian eunuch responds in faith.

As I meditated on these verses this morning, I came away with a few things I believe the Lord was revealing to me about himself, myself and his heart for the Nations.

Trust Me Always and Completely

When the Lord asks you to do something, there’s a purpose. It’s either for your good or the good of someone else.

I Am Love

In this account in scripture, we have the Lord asking one of his children to get up from resting and walk 100 km or more to save this guy who the Jews would have considered unclean and an outcast not worthy of entering the Lord’s presence.

My Plans are Precise

The Lord knew the exact time that Phillip needed to leave the villages in Samaria in order to cross paths with an Ethiopian eunuch who was reading a specific portion of Old Testament scripture that was preaching about Christ. He ordered everyone’s steps precisely so that Christ could be preached to this Eunuch and another one of His children could be added to the fold.

When I Ask, Obey Immediately

If Phillip had delayed, he would have missed the opportunity to share Christ through the scripture that the Eunuch was reading out of Isaiah. He might have missed the opportunity all together.

Join me in the Harvest

The Lord is always active calling sons and daughters to Himself. He uses His people by the leading of His Spirit to do this. If we don’t listen and obey, we miss out on the opportunity to partner with him in the Harvest.

Position Yourself First and Foremost to Listen

I believe the Lord has gifted me as a strategic thinker and planner. The thing that has always been my greatest strength has also been potentially my greatest weakness. If I don’t slow down to listen, I can plan the Lord right out of what I think He is doing. What if I lived more like Phillip? What if I positioned myself to listen and respond? How would my life and ministry look differently, if I woke up each morning, settled my heart and simply asked “Ok, Lord, what would you have me do today?”