Summer Trips
MAy 28, 2025 - august 1st
Ever wonder what it’s like to serve on the mission field in Africa? Check out what daily life is like on the field in Zambia and then sign up to join us this summer!
Zambia 2-Week Trips
Whether it’s on a 2-week, month or 2-month trip, the Lord often moves in powerful ways when we step out in faith and say “Yes” to His call one our lives! We’ve had countless testimonies from team members and from those we serve in ministry of the Lord’s goodness. If you feel like the Lord has placed a burden on your heart for the Nations, specifically African nations, come and join us on mission!
May 28 - June 10
July 1 - July 14
In Lusaka, our teams will partner with a variety of ministries that provide orphan care, community outreach, evangelism, discipleship, mentoring, street kids ministry, and feeding programs. We minister both in Lusaka and some of the rural communities surrounding the city. These trips are an amazing opportunity to be exposed to a wide variety of ministry and build relationships with our Zambian ministry partners at the same time.
Summer 2-week teams meet in their departure city 1 day before their scheduled international flight.
Zambia 1-Month Trips
In the morning during worship before one of our month team’s outreaches, the Lord gave a word that there would be someone who “struggled with stairs.” It turns out, her name was Anna Matepa. Her testimony is below. Isn’t Jesus so good!
Lusaka AND Northern/EaStern Excursion Trip
May 28 - June 25 (1 Month)
July 1 - July 28 (1 Month)
Team members serving with AFM will serve in two different locations: Lusaka and the Northern or Eastern province of Zambia for an excursion trip. In Lusaka, our teams will partner with a variety of ministries that provide orphan care, community outreach, evangelism and discipleship, mentoring, street kids ministry, and feeding programs. In our excursion locations, AFM partners with local ministries to bring the love of God and the simple Gospel to areas who need it most. They will be also be involved in leadership training and discipleship, and much more.
Summer 1-month teams meet in their departure city 1 day before their scheduled international flight.
Zambia 2-Month Trip
May 28 - July 28
Our 2-Month team will spend 2 weeks in Accra, Ghana and 6-Weeks in Zambia. This team will be working with our ministry partners in outreach, evangelism, street kids ministry and discipleship. In addition to their time in Lusaka, the team will also be sent on 2 separate excursions to other locations in Zambia. These excursions will be in 2 of the following locations: Chipata, Kitwe, Lwangwa, Katoba or Chikankata.
This 2 month team will meet in their departure city 1 day before their scheduled international flight.