Sanderson and Lweendo Sianjina
Jzone is a ministry located in Livingstone, Zambia that focuses on empowering locals through entrepreneurship, clean water projects and leadership training. AFM is partnering with JZone through sending teams and assisting with certain community development projects. This ministry is very dynamic! They are currently training and discipling over 300 local leaders who are in turn reaching many in the surrounding Tonga villages with the gospel. In addition to this, JZone has their own drilling rig which they use to provide clean water to some of the most remote villages in Zambia.
JZone has a few projects for which they are requesting assistance:
JZone has a property on the outskirts of Livingstone, Zambia that is central to 6 different chiefdoms. The property is over 66 acres - plenty of room for all that they have planned. They have a vision of developing this property to equip and disciple the next generation of Zambian youth and young adults and are ready to break ground on to begin phase one of construction!
Phase one includes preparation of the ground ie: roads, fencing, clearing space, wells, and water tanks. As well as building their team house so that they can better host teams and visitors who want to partner with them on the field in Zambia. They are estimating that it will cost about $185,000 to complete phase one. Please pray about financially partnering with them to train, equip and send the next generation of leaders in Africa.
Phase 1 Needs:
$11,000 Fencing
$6,700 Wells & Water tanks
$2,500 Roads
$6,000 Pool
$135,000 Team House
$12,000 Labor
$2,000 Plumbing
$9,000 Transformer
Water Drilling:
JZone has one rig and would like to secure a second to be able to provide more villages with clean water. They currently drill commercial wells in and around Livingstone in order to pay for the wells they are digging in these remote villages. Currently, they are the only company in Livingstone drilling commercial water wells. So, the demand far outweighs their current setup of one drilling rig.
Clean Water Projects
You can make a difference. Africa Freedom Mission partners with local ministries to make much of Jesus in Africa:
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Short-Term and Career Missionaries serving with AFM have been deputized to raise support on the organization's behalf. AFM maintains complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds; however, every effort will be made by AFM to honor the preference of each donor. Per IRS guidelines, refunds can NOT be issued for donations made to Africa Freedom Mission.
Admin Fees:
Verifying that finances are used according to their intended purposes takes a good bit of work (tracking expenses, accounting, etc.). In addition to this, AFM must pay finance charges on all donations made online. Because of this, we charge a flat admin fee of 10% on all donations to the general fund as well as donations made towards ministry projects.
Charitable Status and Affiliation
Africa Freedom Mission is setup as a “Doing Business As” (DBA) under Bible Studies, Inc (57-0698866). and therefore is approved for accepting charitable donations under its 501(c)3 status.